Talking Writing Magazine

Nobody Argued with Grandma

Memoir by Morgan Baker

She told me to never go anywhere without a book, a bathing suit, and a sweater.

Alan Albert: Two Poems

TW Featured Poet

It was winter when the small wedding happened. Everyone was no taller than six inches.

Misplaced Baggage

Image Essay by Anh Ðào Kolbe

We share the same blood line, we share our Vietnamese culture, and our misplaced community is our own.

Grandma’s Tales

Short Story by Andrew Lam

What’s so cool about Grandma is that she’s the only one who knows I’m bisexual.

A Small Thing

Flash Fiction by Missy-Marie Montgomery

Maybe feeling for a minute that I was a prize—so obviously devoted and still sort of pretty, even.

TW E-News: Spring 2014

Quarterly Newsletter

TW's next issue about 'Family Stories,' 2014 contests, job openings—and more.

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