Talking Writing Magazine

The Trouble with Being an Entrepreneur

TW Column by Martha Nichols

While entrepreneurship works for high-tech startups, grafting it to what creative writers do is like sticking a brick on an apple tree.

Fun Facts About TW

Update from the Editors

This summer, who read Doctor Sleep, I Pity the Poor Immigrant, and Wild?

TW Contest: Flash Nonfiction

Tips from Dinty W. Moore, Judge

Tight language, vivid description, strong nouns and verbs, a sense of urgency.

TW Contest: Advice Writing

Tips from Emily Toth, Judge

I woke up this morning and discovered I’d become a cockroach. What should I wear?

Why Going Crazy Isn't Just a Good Story

Theme Essay by Martha Nichols

Having a famous parent is a leg up to nowhere. It made sense to people that Kurt Vonnegut’s son would have mental health problems.

Three Visits to His Abuelita

Essay by Patricia Dubrava

She looked dismayed. Maybe she’d never seen such a reaction to one of her cures.

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