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John Green’s “Tour de Nerdfighters”

Theme Essay by Karen Ohlson

Despite being adults, John and Hank Green recognize and salute all aspects of teenage nerdiness.

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Icelandic Coastal Waters

Image Essay by Keith Moul

If I make claim to anything, it’s to being both a poet and a photographer of place.

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Julie Wittes Schlack
Author Talk: Julie Wittes Schlack

Video Interview by Elizabeth McShane

'Beacons' was more autobiographical than most of the fiction I do.

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fiction • memoir • writer's life

"Without Love You Are Nothing #6/6" © Ronn aka "Blue" Aldaman; Creative Commons license
My Mother’s Mantra

Flash Nonfiction by Nicole Simonsen

I was, at that point in my life, an authority on nothing, except maybe seizures.

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“Pastel City” © Eric Allix Rogers; Creative Commons license
Water in Chicago

Poem by Ayla Goktan

Every ‘I,’ every eye, is political

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Me, Writing

Essay by Patricia Dubrava

Focus, damn it...although if no one notices, why continue writing?

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