Talking Writing Magazine

The Story Reveals Itself

Image Essay by Moira De Luca

The creative process keeps happening in my mind, even after the painting is done.


Flash Fiction by Kathryn Gahl

She indulged in hot baths, scoured Goodwill for school clothes, and patched the roof.

Adoption and the Real Story

Theme Essay by David Biddle

What was my mix? Was I part Jewish, Italian, African, Native American, Hispanic, Irish?

Sisters of the Commonwealth

Image Essay by Meg Birnbaum

The human stories behind photographs can be tools for supporting social change.

My Mother’s Exit

Essay by Meryl Natchez

I didn’t see how I could say no. I knew if I were in her shoes, I’d feel the same.

The Random Facts of Life

Editor's Note by Martha Nichols

The intensity and obtuseness of family bonds is a mystery few of us tire of.

Why I Write About My Family

Theme Essay by Ruth Carmel

The glory and heartache of having your own family is there’s no possibility of staying out of the mess.

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