Writer's Life
On Writing Another Novel
Essay by Rebecca Steinitz
It’s particularly hard when it takes so long to arrive back where you started: as a writer who has never published a novel.
Ready or Not
Essay by Joan Frank
After a stunned period, I resumed querying agents. What else was there to do?
Your Baby's Ugly
Essay by Joan Frank
People bring unknowable baggage to their readings—and to the author herself.
The Diary of a Conservationist
Essay by Wendy Townsend
I want to go back to being a child, when I believed that protecting animals was something I could do.
A Little Something for the Effort
Essay by Therese Beale
I knew this was one of those micro-moments in a marriage when it pays to take a breath.
The Muse of Bad Poems
Poetry by Paula Bonnell
She says, “Just hum me a few bars” — as though you were the one in charge of this gig.
A Menagerie of Writing Possibilities
Essay by Ronald J. Pelias
It knows the value in the discarded, knows the drama of the search.
Elegy for a Curbside Poet
Essay by Khalil Elayan
I think now, in this time of violence and protest, of what Steve Cannon would say about the madness of some and the resolve of others.
You’ve Made It
Essay by Joan Frank
It’s a constant re-reckoning: an existential dusting of hands, a hitching up of one’s pants.