Talking Writing Magazine

Ten Things I Hate

Flash Nonfiction by John Silvio

I hate top ten lists. I mean seriously, it’s been done before.

He Calls Her Blossom

Flash Nonfiction by Jeri Edwards

Her husband is not concerned about the cumulonimbus pushing our way.

Miki Fukuda: Two Poems

TW Featured Poet

In the stillness of morning’s ascent/snow falls upon the trees

Dear iTunes

Flash Nonfiction by Rachel Furey

Your security questions make me feel insecure.

What's a Flash Essay?

TW Column by Martha Nichols

There’s a whole lot of confusion about the difference between an essay and a personal narrative.

Empathy Is Not Enough

Theme Essay by Laurette Folk

When people say art matters, it’s because they've been moved to act more compassionately in the world.

In Search of Small Stones

Theme Essay by Carla M. Wilson

Happy holidays from Talking Writing! As a gift to yourself, try the writerly 'New Year's Challenge' offered with this piece.

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