Talking Writing Magazine

Flash of the Impossible

An Absurd Sample from TW Contest Judge Meg Pokrass

He sent her a touch-and-talk parrot, named Goldswack.

Summer Vacation at Talking Writing

Deep Reading Suggestions

TW takes a break from June to September, when we'll return with the Fall 2016 issue. Happy summer reading—and writing!

Athena Kildegaard: Two Poems

TW Poetry Spotlight

I've made most of this up, the apples, the stupidity, the bourbon bought in St. Paul.

Daniel May: Poem

TW Poetry Spotlight

later, i'll wonder if looking into the sun makes me crazy, or gives me secret terrible knowledge.

Marion Deutsche Cohen: Poem

TW Poetry Spotlight

Bruce is reading Wuthering Heights, I’m curling up with Numerical Semigroups.

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