Talking Writing Magazine

Living Together

Hybrid Poetry by Marian Kaplun Shapiro

Come home early, don’t (whatever), drive carefully, keep well, see you at Thanksgiving.

All We Don’t Know

Hybrid Poetry by H. K. Hummel

When I close my eyes, I see neon. I’m told the baby is stoic.

The Communion of Saints

Theme Essay by Jo Scott-Coe

I don’t delude myself that writing an essay can somehow undo an act of violence.

Dear Harryette Mullen

Open Letter by Carol Dorf

Readers and writers can talk to each other across times and cultures.

Dear Kate Chopin

Open Letter by Emily Toth

You were so bored. You were so right.

Elizabeth Iannaci: Poem

TW Featured Poetry

Lovers will conspire, infatuation wrapped around their bodies, breathing in great gulps of each other.

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