Talking Writing Magazine

The Sophist’s Dilemma

Two Poems by Peter Bethanis

With just the right amount of useless junk, loneliness is bearable.

Flako Cup Cakes

Flash Nonfiction by Nadia Ghent

It would be my call to make, that perfect moment of doneness.

Princess Hair

Flash Nonfiction by Kira Venturini

I’ll put her hair in pigtails, fishtails, French braids, waterfall braids, Dutch braids—whatever she wants.

Dreams of Escape

Essay by Martha Nichols

Humor is a go-to defense in our family when things go wrong, but so much is wrong now.

Mustache Girl

Essay by Siobhan Manrique

Are you, like, actually a boy?


Two Poems by Lisa Furmanski

I tune to the wren and hear a thousand miles in a syllable.

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