Quarterly Newsletter
TW's next issue about 'Family Stories,' 2014 contests, job openings—and more.
TW's next issue about 'Family Stories,' 2014 contests, job openings—and more.
Are you going to AWP 2014? Check out TW's panels on 'Literary Politics,' 'First-Person Journalism,' "Digital Lit'—and more.
In our upcoming issue, TW authors explore writing and faith. The holidays are a great time to donate to TW, too.
In our next issue, TW authors take on the delights and challenges of paying attention. How focused do writers REALLY need to be?
Submissions and staff updates, TW contests, and a peek at what lies ahead.
How do you stay focused on your writing? TW seeks essays about the many ways we get distracted.
In TW's next issue, we dish about celebrity writers—and readers get to 'Name That Author!'
In TW's next issue, enter the great, buzzing, world of 21st-century adaptations. It's fun! It's scary!