Talking Writing Magazine

Mr. Spock Was My First Crush

TW Tribute by Martha Nichols

The night before Leonard Nimoy died, I happened to be looking over images of Spock.

All the Things the Mohawk Stole

Flash Nonfiction by Tracy Roberson-Woolard

By the time the last clip of hair fluttered to the floor, he was a teenager.

Sparkly Plans, Grease, and Luck

Flash Novella Excerpt by Meg Pokrass

On our stoop, luck clears its throat like a Mormon missionary and walks away.

Amazon, Where’s My Readfit?

TW Column by David Biddle​

I’d like to think I average at least 10,000 words a day on my Kindle when I’m using it, but right now, I have no idea how much I read.

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