Talking Writing Magazine

Gender Wars: The Listicle

TW Reading List

It's no stretch to leap past Dr. Johnson, but in the 21st century, why can't writers of any gender twirl on their 'hinder' legs?

Dear Young Writers

TW Feature by Lorraine Berry and Martha Nichols

An open letter about why the fight against gender discrimination still matters.

Essaying the Body: A Look Inside

TW Flash Essay by Richard Hoffman

What if I’d been less inhibited? What if I’d cried out, 'Jesus, what the hell is that?'

The Gleaming Light

Flash Nonfiction by Jocelyn Heaney

In her confusion, my mother doesn’t always remember who’s alive or dead.

Katie Cortese on Writing

Interview by Kelcey Parker

Not everyone will care if you persist, so it’s up to you to provide the momentum.

Notebook for a Novel

Fragmentary Writing by Stacy Carlson

I face the same old hyena in my mind: you’re weak, empty, delusional, small in heart.

Viola's Speech

Novel Excerpt by James Tadd Adcox

What we interpret as entropy is only our preference for one state of matter over another.

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