Talking Writing Magazine

Narrow Negotiations

Poetry by Rusty Morrison

See shapes of bodies you thought you were in damp cotton jeans silk shirts.

Lunes During This Pandemic

Poetry by Amy Uyematsu

A heartless leader and legions of nameless heroes define this tragedy

You’ve Made It

Essay by Joan Frank

It’s a constant re-reckoning: an existential dusting of hands, a hitching up of one’s pants.

A Reasonable Confusion

Essay by Don Delo

But I have reason to believe moments of intense clarity and energy have a rhythm that can be experienced in the here and now.

The Familiar

Essay by Laura Sergeant

The virus demands a deep imagining of death.

Musings From a Math Woman

Poetry by JoAnne Growney

Although imaginary numbers are vital, I long for the intersection of your path with mine.

BMX Racers on My Wall

Memoir by Yi Shun Lai

I remember wanting to surf and ski from the minute I became cognizant these activities existed.

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