Spring 2021: Creative Fire

From "Alchemy of the Mind" © James Notarianni; used by permission]

When Inspiration Strikes

The hawk is gliding on thermals but soon will wing lower and try to lift me from the water. Will I fly with him? Have I, like Alice, dwindled, so he can snatch me up? Or will he grip me with his talons, like the eagle I once saw, and be dragged underwater—unable to release his prey—until we both are drowning: another scenario of love and loss?

—from “Rough Water Delusions”

New pieces will appear on the Table of Contents as they
publish throughout the issue cycle.

Personal Stories

Take a Liberal to Church by Catherine Vance
The Diary of a Conservationist by Wendy Townsend
Putting the Farm to Bed by Elizabeth Oness
The Bones of Oak by Marie Alfonsi

Writer's Life

Your Baby's Ugly by Joan Frank

Flash Nonfiction

Rough Water Delusions by Susan Terris


Inferno by Edward Michael Supranowicz

Genre Borders

Reborn by Gracie Bialecki


The Muse of Bad Poems by Paula Bonnell
Crazy Quilt by Madeleine Mysko
Once I Was a Lighthouse by Jacqueline Schaalje

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