Talking Writing Magazine

I Know What Poetry Can Do

Memorial Essay by Martha Nichols

He clutched my hand, and I felt his fingers bucking. They were always in motion, but my father held on as hard as he could.

Proust Returns to Paris

Comics by Donald Langosy

Ah, are but a wispy emblem in reality...

Poetry as Prayer

Theme Essay by Ellen McGrath Smith

I write poetry because it’s what I do, just as frogs croak and mathematicians ponder numbers.

My Son Is My Sun

Image Essay by Shamus Langlois

I've been taking photographs of my son both to celebrate him and to remember the fleeting moments that parenting offers.

An Article of Faith

Theme Essay by Jeremiah Horrigan

Growing up Catholic in Buffalo, New York, I'd begin my day with words as ripe with mystery as the Mass itself.

Believe in Your Own Stories

TW Column by Emily Toth

Where does that writing drive come from? I’ve always had it, even though I had a happy childhood.

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