Talking Writing Magazine

Yes, I Signed Books at Costco

Essay by S. Lorraine Norwood

Oh, yeah. I forgot. I’m not in a cozy bookstore. I’m not even in Barnes & Noble.

A Mother’s Magic Shield

TW Column by Judith A. Ross

Emotions she didn’t dare express out loud would appear at the end of her paintbrush.


Flash Nonfiction by JLSchneider

On the last day of the trial, I suddenly remember a dream in which a voice told me the meaning of life.

David Meischen: Two Poems

David Meischen: Two Poems

The gargoyles test their wings. You turn to me, your eyes like undertow.


Flash Nonfiction by Pamela Gay

She wanted to penetrate the shells in the way doctors would when performing a procedure on her.

After the First Cremation

TW Column by Steven Lewis

This year, I added a new event: the Journal Burning Bonfire.

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