Talking Writing Magazine

Twelve Tips for Living in the South

Feature by Allison Futterman

I’ve learned to live among the blooming trees, Sunday church traffic, and love of bacon.

Trump Is Our Fault, Too

TW Column by Steven Lewis

We were so blind that, in the name of righteousness, we committed our own ethical and moral atrocities.

To the Curly-Haired Barista

Performance Poetry by Megan LeAnne

When I asked about your tea selection, what I really meant to say was Goddamn you’re pretty.

Telling the Truth About the Modocs

Essay by Robert Aquinas McNally

Something essential, something dangerous, loomed in this war and deserved the light of literary day.

Lawrence Welk

Poem by Giavanna Munafo

A schmaltzy, eerily familiar tune that loops along, accordions swelling and shrinking, high-heeled, lipsticked women la-la-la-la-la-la-ing.

Camera Obscura

Personal Essay by Rebecca Schumejda

I’m afraid of contributing to the stigma of mental illness by telling this story.

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