Talking Writing Magazine

Mad Cows

Poem by Margaret Young

I have a problem with mad anything except in adverb form.

What the NSA Knows

Poem by Lucille Lang Day

...who sent you a link to her reading in Houston, who wants the name of your publicist....

Pluto’s Heart

Poem by Alice Major

The heart is a crater, a cardiac whack from an accidental asteroid on its selfish passage.

Moths in the Kitchen

Two Poems by Ellen McGrath Smith

Younger, the infestation would have been loss drilling through my middle.

The Real Enemy

Poem by Maria Griffin

Nature is a noisy thing, and mammoths don’t walk lightly.

Witnessed in the Convex Mirror

Poem by Eileen Tabios

I notice buds late to their blossoming, a flaw that makes one realize sunlight offers no clues.

Fake Ambassadors

Two Poems by Athena Kildegaard

So, the unknown unknowns, as a man in a gray suit once enunciated.

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