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"We Will Overcomb" (2017 Boston Women's March) © Holly Angell; used with permission
Free Speech and Grassroots Writing

TW Column by Martha Nichols

I sometimes forget that the most effective creative writing has nothing to do with schooling or publishing.

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"The Streets of Kinshasa" © James Kenney; used by permission
Mama Yemo

Photo Essay by James Kenney

Throughout Kinshasa, people told me, ‘No camera,’ but at the hospital, individual people seemed to have lost their integrity of self.

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Why Creative Writers Need Tough Grades

Theme Essay by Kelcey Parker

When I hand back papers, I feel like a juror returning a guilty verdict.

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"Greenmount in the Winter" ©  Forsaken Fotos

Flash Nonfiction by Robin L. Flanigan

I’d pull back the curtains and stare at the headstones in jagged rows beside a vacant hot dog factory.

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“Mała Hania (Little Hannah),” © Piotr Mańczak; used by permission
The Willow Blossoms from Its Secret

Three Poems by Sheila Black

I know why a girl might wish to become a tree—to subject herself as if at random to any passing storm.

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Michael Lowenthal: “A Stone Down a Bottomless Well”

TW Interview by Fran Cronin

The whole online world drives me nuts. I hate the pressure of feeling like I need to go on Facebook and be witty."

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