TW Donation Form

How to Donate to TW by Mail

You can mail checks in any amount directly to TW. Just follow these steps:

  1. Print out this donation form. At the bottom of this page, click on the “Printer-friendly version” icon, then print the file.
  2. Fill out the information requested on the form.
  3. Mail the completed form and your check to this address:

Talking Writing, Inc.
P.O. Box 381277
Cambridge, MA 02238

For amounts below $50, your canceled check will serve as your receipt.


Your Name:
Donation Date:
Amount: □ $25 □ $50 □ $75 □ $100 □ $250 □ $500 □ $1,000
□ $_____ 
(above $1K):
□ Internship □ TW Issue □ Print Edition □ Podcast
□ TW app □ Contest □ Other







* Sponsorship Details: If your donation is $1,000 or more, you can earmark it for one of the TW programs indicated above. Please provide more information about what you'd like to sponsor—the kind of publishing internship, for example, or the issue theme, or the genre and topic of a contest prize you'd like to fund:




If you have questions about your payment or our donation program, contact TW and direct your queries to "Accounting."

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