Talking Writing Magazine

Literary Criticism Is Dead

Theme Essay by Ron MacLean

The online reading public has made clear that it does not want tastemakers telling them what to like.

Alicia Ostriker: Poem

TW Poetry Spotlight

You are an island, a granite crust on a black platter of rivers...

How a Literary Critic Slapped Me Awake

"My Favorite Critic" by David Meischen

Leslie Fiedler took the blinders off me and said, 'Look, the myths we live by, our secret longings—the great books lay them bare.'

TW E-News: Winter 2014

Quarterly Newsletter

Are you going to AWP 2014? Check out TW's panels on 'Literary Politics,' 'First-Person Journalism,' "Digital Lit'—and more.

Quality, Schmality—Indie Lit Rocks!

TW Column by David Biddle

Literature happens not because editors and academics give it the nod, but because a writer puts her whole self on the page.

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